Consumer Reports Laundry Detergent Consumer Reports States That Laundry Detergent That Has?

Consumer Reports states that laundry detergent that has? - consumer reports laundry detergent

The enzymes in your laundry detergent cleans best? Do you agree?


kay said...

It is probably true, especially if you have any problems with food stains (two groups of the enzyme, are typically has proteases that eat "the protein and amylase, which) of starch break.

Some people are allergic to detergent residue with enzymes in it ... If so, you are desperate to avoid them.

I myself tend to Biz (a patented combination of non-chlorine bleach, proteases and amylases) and wash as something that pre-washing, food stains, for example, then with regular detergent, rather than more frequently with detergent enzymes.

Oh, and detergents are cellulases in them - they are there to help promote cleansing and also helps to remove small fibers that the pills cause and slightly velvety feel of old jeans after washing grow much. If you remove the fibrils, the structure of dark over time (rather than develop a kind of cold stare that usually dark colored with cotton strips, etc. are displayed)

notyou31... said...

Use this type of detergent. If you have sensitive skin, you get the worst rash you can imagine. I had to go to a dermatologist, because this type of detergent.

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