Online Videos Are Freezing My Screen Why Does My Asus Laptop Fail To Play Online Videos Correctly When They Are Full Screen?

Why does my Asus laptop fail to play online videos correctly when they are full screen? - online videos are freezing my screen

If the video game online (mostly YouTube, but also from YouTube) that is running well and working, but when I try to view the entire screen into a 5-15 seconds, it freezes The site is not responding?
- Sometimes it's thawed, but later, after a few seconds, it freezes again before crashing not know / no answer. "

I am currently using Google Chrome, but there were also in Mozilla Firefox as well.

This message appears after the arrest response page'':

"The following plug-in is rude: Shockwave Flash"

Who knows why this always happens in full screen mode?

How do I solve this problem so I can watch online video full-screen mode, without the site crash / freeze?

Thank you:)


Anonymous said...

Flash is famous by chance look at different technologies such as Silverlight and HTML5 uninstall all the software and Flash plug-in and leave with them.

In addition, if the bandwidth is not sufficient to also cause accidents. I-sides on this issue.

Another thing to consider as the Safari browser. need to install Flash, but it is stable.

Anonymous said...

Is it a netbook? Because if so, it is likely that there so little power that can not handle full-screen video.

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